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Katalin Béres

New Evil PLC Attack Weaponizes PLCs To Intrude OT and Enterprise Networks

New Evil PLC Attack Weaponizes PLCs To Intrude OT and Enterprise Networks

Team82 has developed a novel attack that weaponizes programmable logic controllers (PLCs) in order to exploit engineering workstations and further invade OT and enterprise networks. We’re calling this the Evil PLC Attack. Download the full report here (free PDF). The attack targets engineers working every day on industrial networks,

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Disrupting SEABORGIUM’s ongoing phishing operations

Disrupting SEABORGIUM’s ongoing phishing operations

The Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC) has observed and taken actions to disrupt campaigns launched by SEABORGIUM, an actor Microsoft has tracked since 2017. SEABORGIUM is a threat actor that originates from Russia, with objectives and victimology that align closely with Russian state interests. Its campaigns involve persistent phishing and

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Ukránbarát hackercsoport azt állítja, hogy feltörték a Rosseti Lenenergo SCADA rendszerét

Ukránbarát hackercsoport azt állítja, hogy feltörték a Rosseti Lenenergo SCADA rendszerét

A OneFist ukránbarát hackercsoport azt állítja, hogy az általuk "Operation Smoked"-nak elnevezett művelet keretében feltörték a Rosseti Lenenergo 110 kV-os PS-249 "Dymi" alállomás SCADA rendszerét. Állításuk szerint a rendszer szünetmentes tápegységének (UPS) sebezhetőségét használták ki, amely teljes hozzáférést biztosított számukra az akkumulátorokhoz, így sikeresen tönkretették

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Iron Tiger Compromises Chat Application MiMi, Targets Windows, Mac, and Linux Users

Iron Tiger Compromises Chat Application MiMi, Targets Windows, Mac, and Linux Users

CTI (Cyber Threat Intelligence) analysis by Trend Micro of a cyber espionage campaign of Iron Tiger APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) group. Iron Tiger (also known as Emissary Panda, APT27, Bronze Union, and Luckymouse) compromising chat application Mimi’s servers in a supply chain attack by HyperBro malware. MiMi is an

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Pro-Kremlin hackers target Latvia’s parliament after declaring Russia a sponsor of terrorism

Pro-Kremlin hackers target Latvia’s parliament after declaring Russia a sponsor of terrorism

The pro-Russian hacker gang known as Killnet took down the website of Latvia’s parliament on Thursday after lawmakers there designated Russia as a “state sponsor of terrorism.” The parliament’s website went down for several hours after being hit by a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack, which floods websites with

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Cisco hacked by Yanluowang ransomware gang

Cisco hacked by Yanluowang ransomware gang

On May 24, 2022, Cisco became aware of a potential compromise. Since that point, Cisco Security Incident Response (CSIRT) and Cisco Talos have been working to remediate. Cisco has updated its security products with intelligence gained from observing the bad actor’s techniques, shared Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) with other

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Finland parliament website targeted in cyber attack

Finland parliament website targeted in cyber attack

Finland’s parliament said Tuesday its website came under cyber-attack, as the Nordic country applies for NATO membership following Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine. “A denial-of-service attack is taking place against the parliament’s external website,” parliament said in a statement. Finland parliament website targeted in cyber attackFinland’s parliament

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Targeted attack on industrial enterprises and public institutions

Targeted attack on industrial enterprises and public institutions

A new analysis by Kaspersky unveiled a wave of targeted attacks on military-industrial complex enterprises and public institutions in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine and Afghanistan. Microsoft Word documents attached to the phishing emails contain malicious code that exploits the CVE-2017-11882 vulnerability. The vulnerability enables an attacker to execute arbitrary code (in

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