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How Google Cloud blocked the largest Layer 7 DDoS attack at 46 million rps

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On June 1, a Google Cloud Armor customer was targeted with a series of HTTPS DDoS attacks which peaked at 46 million requests per second. This is the largest Layer 7 DDoS reported to date—at least 76% larger than the previously reported record.
The geographic distribution and types of unsecured services leveraged to generate the attack matches the Mēris family of attacks. Known for its massive attacks that have broken DDoS records, the Mēris method abuses unsecured proxies to obfuscate the true origin of the attacks.
How Google Cloud blocked largest Layer 7 DDoS attack yet, 46 million rps | Google Cloud Blog
By anticipating a DDOS attack, a Google Cloud customer was able to stop it before it took down their site. They just weren’t expecting it to be the biggest known Layer 7 DDOS attack so far, at 46 million rps.


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2024-117: Zero-Day Vulnerabilities in Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS

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Modern zsarolóvírusok

A Magyar Védelmi Beszerzési Ügnynökséget az INC Ransom csoport támadta és zsarolta meg 2024. októberében. Az elmúlt időszakban megszaporodtak azok a magyarországi zsarolóvírus támadások, amelyek során az INC és a vele csaknem 71%-ban azonos Lynx zsarolóvírusokat használták a támadók.

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