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Hackers hide malware in James Webb telescope images

Hackers hide malware in James Webb telescope images

Threat analysts have spotted a new malware campaign dubbed ‘GO#WEBBFUSCATOR’ that relies on phishing emails, malicious documents, and space images from the James Webb telescope to spread malware. The malware is written in Golang, a programming language that is gaining popularity among cybercriminals because it is cross-platform (Windows, Linux,

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Surveillance firm’s leaked docs show the purchase of an $8M iOS RCE zero-day exploit

Surveillance firm’s leaked docs show the purchase of an $8M iOS RCE zero-day exploit

Leaked documents show the surveillance firm Intellexa offering exploits for iOS and Android devices for $8 Million. Intellexa is an Israeli surveillance firm founded by Israeli entrepreneur Tal Dilian, it offers surveillance and hacking solution to law enforcement and intelligence agencies. The leaked documentation demonstrates that the company offers services

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UPDATE: A Wien Energy legalább 6 milliárd eurós segítségre szorul az osztrák államtól

UPDATE: A Wien Energy legalább 6 milliárd eurós segítségre szorul az osztrák államtól

A Wien Energy legalább 6 milliárd eurós segítségre szorul az osztrák államtól – de lehet, hogy 10 milliárdra is szükség lesz. Fél nap alatt többszörösére nőtt a Wien Energie által igényelt pénzügyi támogatás összege – és ezzel együtt az osztrák politikában és sajtóban hatványozódik a botrány mértéke is. (Muraközi Gergely cikke) A

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A Wien Energie közel a fizetésképtelenséghez – rendkívüli kormányzati segítség szükséges

A Wien Energie közel a fizetésképtelenséghez – rendkívüli kormányzati segítség szükséges

Az egyik legnagyobb osztrák energia ellátó, Bécs város energia cége rendkívüli kormányzati segítségért folyamodott, ugyanis napokon belül 1,7 milliárd eurót kell tőzsdei ügyletek miatt mozgósítania – és elfogytak a pénzügyi tartalékai. (Muraközi Gergely cikke) A Wien Energie és a Wiener Stadtwerke szilárd, gazdaságilag egészséges, kiváló hitelminősítéssel rendelkező vállalatok. Az osztrák

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Unprecedented cyber attack hit State Infrastructure of Montenegro

Unprecedented cyber attack hit State Infrastructure of Montenegro

The state Infrastructure of Montenegro was hit by a massive and “unprecedented” cyber attack, authorities announced. An unprecedented cyber attack hit the Government digital infrastructure in Montenegro, the government has timely adopted measures to mitigate its impact. Montenegro immediately reported the attack to other members of the NATO alliance. “Certain

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Russian Hackers Attacked Websites Of Moldova

Russian Hackers Attacked Websites Of Moldova

Russian hacker group KillNet launched 72 hours DDoS attack on websites of Moldova on 23 August. A lot of informational systems (more precisely 80), platforms and public portals became the target, the impact on their operation being limited. Among others targets included the Tax Service of Moldova and the main

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Hackers Breach LastPass Developer System to Steal Source Code

Hackers Breach LastPass Developer System to Steal Source Code

Password management service LastPass confirmed a security incident that resulted in the theft of certain source code and technical information. The security breach is said to have occurred two weeks ago, targeting its development environment. No customer data or encrypted passwords were accessed, although the company provided no further details

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Iranian Hackers Exploiting Unpatched Log4j 2 Bugs to Target Israeli Organizations

Iranian Hackers Exploiting Unpatched Log4j 2 Bugs to Target Israeli Organizations

Iranian state-sponsored actors are leaving no stone unturned to exploit unpatched systems running Log4j to target Israeli entities, indicating the vulnerability's long tail for remediation. Microsoft attributed the latest set of activities to the umbrella threat group tracked as MuddyWater (aka Cobalt Ulster, Mercury, Seedworm, or Static Kitten)

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