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European private-sector offensive actor using 0-day exploits

The Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC) and the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) found a private-sector offensive actor (PSOA) using multiple Windows and Adobe 0-day exploits, including one for the recently patched CVE-2022-22047, in limited and targeted attacks against European and Central American customers. The PSOA, which MSTIC tracks as KNOTWEED, developed malware called Subzero which was used in these attacks.

Untangling KNOTWEED: European private-sector offensive actor using 0-day exploits - Microsoft Security Blog
MSTIC and MSRC disclose technical details of a private-sector offensive actor (PSOA) tracked as KNOTWEED using multiple Windows and Adobe 0-day exploits, including one for the recently patched CVE-2022-22047, in limited and targeted attacks against European and Central American customers.


2024-117: Zero-Day Vulnerabilities in Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS

2024-117: Zero-Day Vulnerabilities in Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS

Palo Alto Networks released security updates for two actively exploited zero-day vulnerabilities in Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS. If exploited, these vulnerabilities could allow a remote unauthenticated attacker to gain administrator privileges, or a PAN-OS administrator to perform actions on the firewall with root privileges. It recommended applying the updates and

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Modern zsarolóvírusok

Modern zsarolóvírusok

A Magyar Védelmi Beszerzési Ügnynökséget az INC Ransom csoport támadta és zsarolta meg 2024. októberében. Az elmúlt időszakban megszaporodtak azok a magyarországi zsarolóvírus támadások, amelyek során az INC és a vele csaknem 71%-ban azonos Lynx zsarolóvírusokat használták a támadók.

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